Epyon is a kid in desperate need of recognition from or some show of affection from his peers; most likely caused by rejection or otherwise lack of interest by his parents. May have wildly varying and unpredictable moods, and a general lack of any sort of self confidence. In the following paragraphs, I, Tasiin, will attempt to explain this miracle of the digital age's erratic and oft-times annoying behavior. Example: fl musix is so dull makes me wanna kill myself why did you make one ? well mine isnt dull is it? This shows not only a lack of self confidence as aforementioned, but also distinct suicidal tendencies. Epyon also frequently makes transparent attempts to show his "l33tness" ( his own words ) in again, an attempt to gain respect from his peers. Example: sigh i remember when the myg0t forums where online ppl used to hack ebay accounts and post the pics good times good times More mindless myg0t bragging: oh then u must know about the amazing! BladeTheRevenge right? omg, comeon, BTR destroy of WC3 server the great manipulator This shows Epyon's need to prove that he can be as "cool" as the rest of us and that he is a quote "haxX0r3r". He consistently brings up the subject of his past association with the hacker clan myg0t, as well. Warez. Warez is a general word used to describe all forms of pirated movies, programs, games, mp3s, e-books and any other type of copyrighted electronic product you can download. Epyon believes that he is heavily involved in this "scene" and will repeatedly post proof on the IRC channels that he haunts that he's either downloading or searching for warez, in yet again, an attempt to show that he's "cool" or "connected" - and of course, this leads to gaining respect from his peers, or so Epyon thinks at any rate. Example: XDCC Get 1: Gundam_Wing_endless_waltz_cd2.tar Complete 658mb in 2 hours 37 minutes 29 seconds This brings me to my next point, Epyon's desperate need for control. Epyon wants the "@" in #freelancer so desperately that at one point he was even willing to sign on to the TLR Mod Team, before he realized that that wouldn't grant him operator status on this channel, as it's owned by PortaLive and not Lancers Reactor. Example: i wanna hae that sexy @ next to my name Epyon apparently also believes that system specs are directly proportional to the size of one's penis, or any other nether bodily orifice, and posts his own computer's stats via another "l33t" IRC script in #freelancer at least once a day. Example: check out these scripts Operating System: (Windows 98 (4.10 - 1998)) ¤ Uptime: (14hrs 26mins 38secs) ¤ Record: (1day 11hrs 40mins 59secs(Set on 22/06/03 using 98)) Memory Usage: (Usage: 165/256MB (64.45%)) ¤ (|||||||||||||||||||-----------) ¤ Display Info: (800x600 32bit) ¤ Monitor: (Daewoo 901D) CPU Info: (1-AMD Thund Pissing people off! It's fun, right? Maybe, but the way Epyon goes about it is insanely childish and rather...lame. Epyon believes that logging onto a Counter-Strike server and showing everyone his "uber-l33t hax" is cool and hip. http://www.sharemation.com/bladetr/myrage1337.jpg <<----------- my work im one of those new school ragers won rage of the month on forums b4 they went down bah i use any hack that is given to me as long as i can piss off the ppl all i do is use my teleport script but my raging days are over... with the forums being down and all i made 2 last rages b4 my so called retirement munky my teleport script makes me switch teams uber fast thus ending me up in the ennemy spawn at begining of round Peer respect, again. Epyon in this example desperately needs to show EB that he can create a better "sig" than EB did, yet his naturally abrasive and uncultured personality defeats him again. omg eb that sig gives me the urge to throw up i can make u a good sig with photoshop More sickening examples of things that Epyon feels he needs to show off: omg i found some rare footage of me torturing my brother 2 years ago EB is a speed poster wow i found my gif sig i made in like 1 hour http://www.frailart.net/members/blade13372/myubersig.gif Epyon is suddenly and painfully awakened to reality as he realizes that not everyone thinks rages are funny or cool, or like having 12 year old CS haxX0rs in their channels. http://www.frailart.net/members/blade1337/myrage1337.jpg <------------ me invading a server with 7 admins who cant kick or ban me epyon you are a fucking lamer :( bah its funny makes some folks laugh do lamers get banned? no z0p ur still here see * Z0PharX nods :P frailart.net if u want free reliable image hosting Note how quickly Epyon changes the subject once he realizes he isn't getting approval. they stay on servers for 2 hours to get a high score thats their goal we just go in and out max 20minutes to give ppl a laugh or 2 and your goal is just to piss people off? how honorable hahahahaha just to cut ppl from their normal boring cs playtime for 20minutes and show some incradible stuff we make like my teleport hack, 10x speed hack so, to make CS funner for everyone, you ruin the game for them? not exactly baked does EB have his finger on "the Button" maybe they -want- to play normally we give them a new experience its funny Amazing lack of regard for other human beings.